What is OPEN BIM?

OPEN BIM is a progressive, digital, future-proof approach to improve collaboration across the AEC/O industry. It helps connecting different stakeholders involved in a building or infrastructure project by allowing them to exchange project information through neutral, non-proprietary file formats. The goal is to enable seamless and free collaboration of the different disciplines along the complete building lifecycle, regardless of their choice of software.


The use of open standards benefits everyone creating, processing, importing or exporting BIM data – from the planning, tendering and design phases, through construction, all the way to the operational phase. It positively affects a variety of software users such as architects, engineers and builders, but also property managers as well as clients/owners to co-create great buildings. 

Our OPEN BIM Charter​


Cooperation instead of competition

We believe that…

interoperability between project stakeholders must not be used as grounds for competition.


Open standards

We believe that…

interoperability should be facilitated via development and support of open standards.


Test and certification criteria

We believe that…

rigorous testing and certification criteria are a must for quality support of open standards.


No exclusion

We believe that…

proprietary format mandates must not be used to exclude candidates from project work.


Free choice of software

We believe that…

free choice of software in project work must be a basic right for any project stakeholder.


Advocate for OPEN BIM

We believe that…

industry stakeholders must publicly endorse and promote OPEN BIM in the AEC community.

Our contribution to OPEN BIM: The FRILO BIM-Connector®

At FRILO, we have set ourselves the goal of accompanying structural engineers in their everyday work and supporting them with innovative solutions. The FRILO BIM-Connector® pursues the clear goal of bringing the collaboration between architects and structural engineers to a new level of efficiency. In the spirit of integral building planning, the BIM Connector ensures the smoothest possible and manufacturer-independent data exchange between the two disciplines.

File standard IFC

IFC (=Industry Foundation Classes) is an open standard used for data exchange in the construction industry. The IFC format allows the creator a software-neutral description of building models. It can transmit geometry, attributes and descriptions of components as well as building structures.

File standard SAF

SAF (=Structural Analysis Format) is an Excel-based open source file format that allows project participants to collaborate on a software-neutral basis. In contrast to the IFC file, the output file is based on an already generated structural analysis model, in which the components are transferred as members or surfaces.

The Nemetschek Group

Also visit the OPEN BIM pages of the other brands in the Nemetschek Group. There you will find open workflow solutions and reference projects that show how OPEN BIM helps projects to be completed on budget and on schedule, ultimately contributing to a better built environment.